Ways To Deal With Stress

12:43 Bharat modi 0 Comments

Positive Self-Talk
Self-talk is one way to deal with stress. We all talk to ourselves; sometimes we talk out loud but usually we keep self-talk in our heads. Self-talk can be positive ("I can do this" or "Things will work out") or negative ("I'll never get well" or "I'm so stupid").
Negative self-talk increases stress. Positive self-talk helps you calm down and control stress. With practice, you can learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

For example:

"I can't do this.""I'll do the best I can."
"Everything is going wrong.""I can handle things if I take one step at a time."
"I hate it when this happens.""I know how to deal with this; I've done it before."

  1. Count to 10 before you speak.
  2. Take three to five deep breaths.
  3. Walk away from the stressful situation, and say you'll handle it later.
  4. Go for a walk.
  5. Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry" if you make a mistake.
  6. Set your watch five to 10 minutes ahead to avoid the stress of being late.

you can find this Full article here . Heart.org

  • Write. It may help to write about things that are bothering you. Write for 10 to 15 minutes a day about stressful events and how they made you feel. Or think about  
  • tracking The Stress   helps you find out what is causing your stress and how much stress you feel. After you know, you can find better ways to cope.
  • Let your feelings out. Talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when you need to. Talking with friends, family, a counselor, or a member of the clergy about your feelings is a healthy way to relieve stress.
  • Do something you enjoy. You may feel that you're too busy to do these things. But making time to do something you enjoy can help you relax. It might also help you get more done in other areas of your life. Try:
    • A hobby, such as gardening.
    • A creative activity, such as writing, crafts, or art.
    • Playing with and caring for pets.
    • Volunteer work.
  • Focus on the present. Meditation and guided imagery are two ways to focus and relax your mind.
  • Learn some   Destress Tips From Niomi   Smart

One Pro Tip: Take Your selfie with funny faces.

I hope it  helps To find Your Own Personal Way to Bumped Out stress from your life.

     Thank you For Reading .
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